Who should pursue this qualification
- Anyone working in specific technical claims handling or underwriting roles within a call or service centre environment.
- Insurance staff employed in support functions such as human resources, marketing, IT and finance, wishing to develop an understanding of the industry in which they work
- Staff working for an organisation whose primary business is not insurance, but which offers insurance advice and products as part of its overall service to customers
- Supervisory and middle management and who aim to progress to higher levels of management.
- Job seekers and graduates who wish to improve their chances of being employed in the industry.
How to compete the Certificate In Insurance
The Certificate comprises one core unit and two option units from the CII insurance qualifications framework, providing a minimum total of 40 credits on successful completion.
See "About Our Programme" tab for the routes that RISC Institute offers.
What you will earn
On completion of the programme and passing all three units, you will earn 45 CII credits. This entitles you to the award of the Certificate In Insurance from the Chartered Insurance Institute.
You will also be able to use the designation "Cert. CII" in your business correspondence subject to membership and Continued Professional Development. This designation demonstrates your committment to professionalism to your employers, your customers, your peers and regulators.
How you will be assessed
All three units are assessed through an online Multiple Choice Questions exams.
You may take the exam in your own home or office with remote invigilation and subject to certain conditions or at a PSI centre. For UAE candidates, We provide scheduled sittings at our office in JLT, Dubai
Our programme consists of a bundle of the required courses to complete the qualification or single units in the CII qualification framework. You may take units separately or enrol into our programme of three units and complete the qualification in 12 to 14 weeks. By enrolling into this programme you save 20% from the total cost of enrolling for all three units separately.
Choose your qualification route
Certificate in Insurance (English)
One compulsory unit:
A choice of two units from the following
Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services
Two Compulsory units:
A choice of one unit from the following
Certificate in Insurance (Arabic)
Your next steps
Choose how you want to study. For most courses we have blended learning and self-paced options. Click here to learn more about our study modes
Decide whether you want to enrol separately into each course or enrol into the Certificate in Insurance bundle to save as much as 20% of the total cost of the three courses.
For more information about our Certificate in Insurance bundle and to enrol, click your preferred language below.
For more information about any of the above courses and to enrol separately, click the title of the respective course above.
For certificate in insurance, our enrolment fees include the tuition (if blended learning), access to our learning resources as mentioned above, registration for an exam sitting for each unit, digital textbooks from CII and one year initial CII membership if you opt for the full programme.
Click on the title of the programme or unit you wish to enrol into from the list below to open the enrolment page where you will also find some additional information specific to that programme or unit. Click the "Enrol Now" button and the billing invoice appears and you will be able to select some options and see the exact cost for enrollment depending on the options that you choose. You will also need to complete your identity verification in your user profile.
Once you have completed your profile, please read the terms and conditions and check the box. You are now ready to pay through our payment gateway.
You can make the payment by credit card using our secure payment gateway which is our preferred method and the only way you can pay where installments are available.
Alternatively, you may make payment by bank transfer, wire transfer, cheque or cash (UAE only) by send a proforma invoice to your email address. (A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice which you can use to make payment by bank transfer, wire transfer or cash. It includes detail of the course, a breakdown of costs, the total amount payable and instructions where to send payment. This document does not commit either us or you to the enrolment until we have received payment.) If you wish to make bank or wire transfer, our bank details will be on the pro-forma invoice. Pls inform us with the transaction reference when you have done so.
You may also make payment in cash, by depositing the eact amount at any RakBank ATM (within UAE) using the account details on the pro-forma invoice. You may then send us a picture of the receipt.
Please note that no installments are available for payments without credit card and your enrollment will not start until the payment has been credited to our bank account.
Yes, we offer installment payment for the course fee but not the exams and VAT. The number of installments is three for each course, payable monthly.
Installments are available subject to a payment agreement which is registered on your credit card when you enroll. Please make sure that your card has the necessary balance on the due dates. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee for payments that are not honored as well as suspension of access to our classes and e-learning course.
This is an extra service which we provide which carries both risk and increased administration costs. Therefore, we trust that you will not find our installment charge of 8% on the balance after the first payment unreasonable.
Please note that enrolment is a contract between you and us. Irrespective of whether you complete the course or not you must pay all the installments that you agree to on enrolment. We offer these installments based on your honour and integrity which is the first rule of conduct for insurance professionals and we take this very seriously. If you default, not only will take whatever legal action is available to us, but we may also complain to the relevant professional body for breach of integrity and ethical conduct.
No, we are very transparent in our charging and pricing. You can click the Enrol Now Button on this page and select your options to have a detailed price breakdown. (Enrolment only becomes effective when you have paid.) The only extra charge which you may have to pay is for a re-sit of the exam, if unfortunately, that would be the case.
Oh! We should mention that we may make an administration charge if any of your installments are not honoured on the due date. We think that is only fair.
Our prices are pitched to make our courses accessible to as wide an audience as possible whilst maintaining sustainability of our operations. Therefore, the price shown is final. However, we do offer the following structured discounts:
- Refer a friend: you can refer this course to friends or colleagues by using the “Referral Rewards” block on the top right of this page. If any of your friends enroll, we will provide you with AED50 cashback up to a maximum of AED500.
- We have the special pricing for bundles.
- A group discount of 5% is available if three to five participants are enrolled by a company or organization. The discount increases to 10% if the number of enrollees is greater than five. We require a stamped and dated purchase order from your company and the fees will be invoiced to the company and payment must be made in full before the course starts.
- If the number of enrollees from the same company is more than 10, then we recommend contacting our customer service or one of our training advisors to get a quote.
- We offer a special discount of 25% of our course fees for those enrollees who live and work in a low GDP country, similar to the CII's offer. You can check if the country that you live and work in is on that list here.
- And remember, if you pay the full fees upfront, you will save 8% installment charge.
And there we thought that our prices were final! But we are here to help you succeed so we are also willing to make a little sacrifice.
Once you enrol you will be provided an e-learning account to RISC Institute’s portal. It will be sent to you in a WELCOME PACK containing the access details and set of instructions to navigate the portal, systems to be used and accessing Virtual Classroom. We use Microsoft Teams to conduct the live classes. You may join using any device. MS Teams is available as a web application, desktop application or mobile app. A microphone is essential, and we would love to have you participate using your webcam.
Our e-learning platform is an integral part of this website accessible from any browser. You can also download the Moodle mobile app on Google Play store or Apple Store and follow the class on the move.
During the sessions, we use a web-based audience response system which you can access using any browser from any device, however we recommend using your mobile device for this.
Please note that company firewalls and proxy servers may cause some problems with the Audience Response System. therefore prior to starting the course and may require special arrangements by your I.T. department. To test if you can access the system go to www.byopad.online from your preferred device. If it is accessible, you will be asked to enter an event code. You will be given this code and a password when you enroll.
Should you have any issues, learner support is available at any time during office hours and for the first sixty minutes of each session. Sessions are opened 15 minutes before scheduled start.
- You are expected to conduct yourself as you would in a professional working environment
- You are to respect the privacy of others and treat all others with respect.
- You are not to share any of your user access credentials to our systems and portals.
- You are not to share or distribute any of our intellectual property or that of third parties supplied on our portals.
- RISC reserves the right to suspend your access to our services due to non-payment of any amounts due to us, abuse of our system, misconduct or infringement of our intellectual property rights.
- In case of cancellations, you can read our Cancellations and Refund Policy here..
- Above all, you shall conduct your dealings with us with utmost honesty and integrity. We do not tolerate dishonesty and lack of integrity. This includes dishonesty in exams, making misappropriating or illegally sharing our learning resources and intellectual property, and defaulting on your dues.
You may review the full terms and conditions here.
We are a bona fide training institute incorporated and based at the DMCC freezone in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We are properly licensed as a training institution with the knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai.
We have a reputation that we are proud of which we have built since we started in 2015 through our hard work by offering excellent customer service and excellent training quality. We aim to protect and build on that reputation.
Our customer service and learner support team is available from 08.30 to 5.30 (GST) Monday to Friday. You may contact them on +97143839083 or send an email to customerservice@riscinstitute.com. We also offer learner support during the first 30 minutes of each session even during weekends.
Furthermore, we have a team of Training Advisors who work during flexible hours and who are always willing to guide and support you to make the right choices, provide you with information and help you to enroll. If you wish to contact a training advisor, leave a message on the live chat applet on this page and one of them will get back to you as soon as possible.
How much time you need to dedicate
This really depends on you and which learning method you choose. As a minimum we recommend that you set aside 200 hours over three to four months of which 100 hours will be guided learning through our Live Virtual classes or our Interactive video lessons for those who choose self paced. You will also need time for practice quizzes, assignments and further learning resources and activities that we have prepared for you for private study
The important thing is to keep the pace. Make sure that you can dedicate at least 12 hours each week for lessons (3 X 2 hours each) and revision. Schedule the hours and stick with your timetable.