- Teacher: Silvan Said
Learning Objectives:
1.1 QFC Financial Services Regulations
1.2 QFCA Powers of Investigation (Financial Services Regulations.
2.1 Limited Liability Companies (Companies Regulations 2005)
2.2 Protected Cell Companies (Companies Regulations 2005)
2.3 Partnerships (Partnership Regulations 2007)
2.4 Trusts and trustees (Trust Regulations 2007)
3.1 – Contract Regulations 2005
3.2 – Insolvency Regulations 2005
3.3 – Employment Regulations
4.1 Data protection regulations 2005
4.2 Market Abuse and Contraventions
4.3 Money Laundering (AML CTRL)
3.3 – Employment Regulations
5.1 Clients, Customers and Market Counterparties
5.2 Authorised firm’s obligations
5.3 Financial Promotions
5.4 Conduct of Investment Business
5.5 Dealing and Managing
5.6 Conduct of Non-investment Insurance Mediation Business
5.7 Conduct of insurance business
5.8 Conduct of Deposit Taking Business
5.9 Customer Dispute Resolution Scheme
6.1 Collective Investment Schemes Rules 2010 (COLL) and Private Placement Schemes Rules (PRIV)
6.2 Governance and Controlled Functions Rules (CTRL)
6.3 General Rulebook (GENE)
6.4 – Individuals Rule Book
6.5 Captive Insurance Business Rulebook (CAPI)
6.6 Insurance Mediation Business Rules (IMEB)
A formative Computer based assessment of One hour and thirty minutes multiple choice quizzes.
No. of Question :75
Pass Mark : 70%

Mr. Silvan Said ACII, ARM, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Founder, Managing Director
Mr. Said is a senior risk and insurance executive with over 36 years experience in the industry and is an Advanced Technical Insurance trainer accredited by the CII. He has been actively involved in talent development for the insurance industry since 2002, consulting and delivering courses in Malta, Eastern Europe and the MENA region.
Over his twelve years experience in the GCC, Silvan has developed a deep understanding of the training and development needs of the insurance market in the GCC. In March 2015, he established RISC institute and it quickly became the undisputed leading training institution for the insurance industry in the UAE both in terms of attendance numbers and qualified students.
Check out his profile here.
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